
another day another blog... i don't really want to make blogs everyday But i think it's okay because i am not forcing myself to like i used to, i do really want to talk right now. i'm excited to go home and take more pictures for my collections page, i'm sooo excited to finish it.. but it's going to take so long. also for some pictures i have to clean my room. my room is REALLY messy and small and cluttered. it's not my fault, i share a room with my brother who has even more things than i have. i've tried to make it as comfortable as i can , i've spent many days decorating and cleaning.. still it is the worst room ever. but anyways i am excited to do that. i wonder if i should put descriptions for when you hover over them or not..some stuff i don't really have anything to say about them because i don't really remember anything about it. i'm trying to find an image hosting website that would work while i'm at school, but i haven't really found any so far :( i want to switch all of my graphics to it (i'll be honest i only learned about hotlinking and stuff recently, and i still use a lot of other people's images..) but that's why i want to find one :( i don't want to put my files in neocities because i'm kind of nervous about using all of my storage so soon.. even though i've only used 2%. i will continue to search... i also need it because i want to make a collection for blinkies and graphics and stuff at some point.. i don't think i will anytime soon, but my favorite thing to do on other's websites is to look at their graphics so i want that type of thing on my website too. i'd also like to add resources but i don't know how to find cool ones really.

i'd also REALLY like to make tutorials and templates, but i wouldn't really know what to code.. also i'm bad at explaining stuff. but i'd really like that. maybe i could set of some sort of questions thing where people ask questions about coding and i answer them.. such as how to do that columns thing i do with the divs in 2 or 3 seperate columns.. i struggled with that a lot before and i did it REALLY bad before but i learned how to do that in my web design class. just stuff like that maybe. i'm also excited because i am getting my girlfriend a bit into website. i feel stupid because all i talk about is coding and websites right now and whenever she talks about something i'm like U should talk about that on your website... Idea for my girlfriend but yesterday i was like this collection thing would be perfect for her.. imagine a collections page from her she's got like a billion vinyls and cds and other stuff! that'd be crazy! Anyways i also don't really know what else to do with my website. i feel like no one really cares about it. .and i'm running out of stuff to do... i'd make more shrines but i don't really feel like mansplaining about anything else but coding right now... Well i do have an idea of a layout for my art page... i'd like to style it like a mspaint theme that'd be really cool.. but i'm not sure how to do that.

i am really excited for autumn, i love autumn ^_^ for halloween i want to be finn from adventure time .. i am unsure if i'll be able to partake in halloween but ideally i would like to be finn... i saw this finn jacket at hot topic and i've been thinking about it all day i want it So bad. i think i want to get back into reading, i have been feeling myself get tired of coding so ii think i'll take a break for the rest of the day and read .. i think.. but it's more weird to read a book in class than be on my computer. i don't really have anything to talk about now, so see you:p

have a great day